Saturday, October 17, 2009


The desk is set up. There is a place to create. Stories, play, work. There is a space for me. My space. Not be shared with anyone else, unless I choose to. To sit everyday for a handful of promised hours dedicated to the page... pages if I get really lucky. Oh the page. I'm not terribly familiar with the page. I've heard of the page. Exciting things can happen, I've been told. Really? Well, we'll have to wait and see.

My excuse to avoid writing this time around has been I don't have my desk set up. There have always been excuses, so many excuses. I'm getting a little too old to be able to get away with this procrastination thing. And frankly, a little tired of it. I can't say it hasn't served me. Sure things did not get done but other adventures were had. And I'm not sorry. But when I realized I was wasting a ton of time virtual farming something had to be done. And let me tell you, I was not just working on my own farm. No, I was working on three other farms because God knows I have nothing better to do. It had to come to an abrupt halt.

She said "I have forty minutes before I have to be at the office. Is there anything else I can help you with? Anything you want to get organized? " I wanted to say no. But somewhere deep inside of me, my dreamer said "yes. Can you help me bring up my desk from the garage?" So that's what we did. And I have say, it feels so damn good. I should mention I am not sitting at my desk typing this. No, I'm sitting on my couch with the TV playing some bad Lindsey Lohan movie with my feet up on the coffee table. But I know very soon I will work my way towards sitting and writing at my desk. Give me time.

Love to you from me.